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Creative Courage: Breakthroughs in Self–Expression & Abundance


Private healing sessions for confidence in creativity, entrepreneurship, the arts, money–making, business–building, and creative problem solving. Learn more

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As creators, generating ideas is just the beginning of many steps that take a concept into full physical fruition. Many of us get hung up on a vision so large, so perfect and beautiful that we hold on too tightly and keep ideas locked inside. The fear is that once we take steps to manifest the idea into reality, it could never compare to the perfection that it was when still in idea form.

In this current age, creatives and artists are being pushed to make their ideas into physical reality because their level of abundance and life fulfillment depend on it. If you are a creator who is finding that it is getting more and more difficult to create income doing things you do not love yet staying on the sidelines from passions that could be fully monetized, this healing program is for you.

Many of you are also trying to transition from working at a corporate job into making a lot of money doing what you love. This transition feels much like steering a ship into a new direction, which takes plenty of adjustment, adopting new sets of beliefs, releasing old ones, and making decisions from a new level of consciousness and new desired reality.

As a lifelong creator myself, Creative Courage is designed to help artists and creators to develop complete trust and confidence in their abilities. Taking risks, being bold, trying new things, putting your heart out there, charging money, and risking criticism and being seen are all part of what it takes to be successful.

Some of the things that we clear and heal include:

• Womb healing and activation
• Blocks around art and creativity
• Fear of visibility
• Self–worth and value
• The fear of charging money for your natural creativity
• Timidity
• Outdated beliefs about creativity and abundance
• Transcending survival beliefs so you are able to shed work and lifestyles that no longer make you happy
• Self–sabotage
• Artist’s block / Writer’s block / Musician’s block
• Hating what you create
• Can start but cannot finish
• Self–criticism
• Foggy or confusion about next steps
• Inability to move forward
• Stage fright
• Perfectionism

Related programs: Return to Innocence, Call to Power